Parent Orientation Class-4

The much awaited Orientation of Class 4 of the Study Hall Junior School was held on Friday, 10th July, 2020. Due to the Lockdown, the session was conducted online through Zoom. It was well attended by a large number of parents. The Principal, Mrs. Meenakshi Bahadur welcomed the parents very warmly and shared the policies of the school with the parents. She reassured them that even though the school was closed due to the pandemic, her entire team was working relentlessly and had left no stone unturned to deliver its best to the children. The children along with their parents, were delighted to watch a video that took them around the school, finally leading to their classroom.  

The Principal invited the Class Teachers to introduce themselves to the parents. They spoke about the subjects they were teaching and shared some valuable tips with the parents. This was followed by a speech by the Head Mistress of Junior School, Mrs Bani Malhotra. The parents were full of praise for the school authorities for conducting the Online Classes in a well organized manner. The others were asked to share their thoughts via mail.

The Orientation Programme came to an end with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Mrs. Meenakshi Shah, the Vice Principal.